Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Thompson is 3!

Happy Birthday little man!  It is hard to believe you are already three years old.  A lot has happened in those years:
·         You were born in Bremerton Naval Hospital in WA

·         We moved across country to Atlanta, GA

·         Rented a house for 6 months, then moved to a new home

·         You learned to walk and talk and now you talk all the time (just like you dad, when I was little people called me Motor Mouth Monk)

      ·         You became a big brother
I love you very much and I pray God continues to bless you the next three years and rest of your life.  What I want most of all for you is for you to be joyful in the Lord, which is something God is still teaching me to do.Love, Daddy

You light up our lives and are a constant source of humor for us! You are very energetic, stubborn, funny, loving, smart, and determined and we pray that you use those qualities to glorify God. You love people & are very outgoing. You often greet someone by saying, “Hey Friend.”   You’re handsome and athletic. You enjoy playing with your bikes on the driveway, swimming, playing at chick-fil-a, and anything that involves running. You are very stubborn and want to do it your way.
This past year your vocabulary has grown and now we can have conversations. You repeat anything we say which keeps us on our toes. Here are some of your most common sayings: It’s too heavy…when you don’t want to do something, or lets go see them for a minute, its stuck, take Jon-a-fin (you are very concerned that we might leave him), one more time that’s it (you’ve heard me say that…so now you say it to me), What are you doing?, member-dat (Often right after you did something you loved). I love you Mommy & Daddy.
I can’t believe you are already 3; the time has passed so quickly. I thank God for giving me YOU!  I got emotional today thinking of how fast you’re growing up. Don’t get me wrong, I want you to need me less and less each day. But, I love the hugs and kisses you give me and it’s hard for me to think of a time when I won’t get to have you in my house every day.  I heard this quote and it sums up how I feel, “The days go by slow but the years fly by.” You are my first baby and I never knew love like this. It is a slight glimpse for me of our heavenly Father’s love for us.   Mothering you has been the best job and I am so blessed to spend my days with you.  I love you always and forever, mommy
Today, I took you to “School” and I went to bible study. I brought donut hole’s for your class, then we came home had lunch, naps (for you and JRM), took a friend a meal and then the park. Daddy came home and rode bikes and then grilled out Hotdogs!  You also had a cupcake with a candle! I think you liked turning 3. The pictures are from tonight's birthday celebration:  

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